Journal Publications
- Robbins, Conni; Raghavan, Guruprasad; Antaki, Jim; Kainerstorfer, Jana. "Spatial frequency domain imaging for monitoring palpable breast lesions ", Journal of Biomedical Optics (Manuscript Submitted)
- Rastogi, Sahil; Raghavan, Guruprasad; Yang, Ge; Cohen-Karni, Tzahi. "Effect of graphene on nonneuronal and neuronal cell stress and viability", Nano Letters, (Article ASAP), 2017.
- G.Raghavan (2012) "Understanding the Evolution of Mosquito", accepted to appear as an online featured article in the Columbia Undergraduate Research Journal (Mail from Publisher)
Conference Publications
- Q.Ba, G.Raghavan, H.Lee, G.Yang (2017, Feb) "Computational Analysis of Whole-Cell Scale Distributions and Interactions of Intracellular Organelle Networks"; To present poster at the 61st Annual Meeting, Biophysical Society.
- Q.Ba, G.Raghavan, G.Yang (2017, Jan) "Image-based computational methods for automated detection and analysis of organelle network dynamics and interactions"; To present poster at the Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology, Mitochondria Communications (A4).
- G. Raghavan, A.Kaushik, V.Narayanan (2014, January) "DNA Hoppers"presented at Pan IIT Research Expo 2014, IIT Madras (pdf)
- A. Kaushik, G.Raghavan, V. Narayanan (2013) "A Smart way to control DNA system: A preview"presented at Biospectra 2013, an annual technical symposium conducted by the Biomedical Engineers Association of College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University (pdf)
Additionally, you can track my publications on my google scholar account